
For the most up-to-date course offerings, visit the UW-Madison Guide or Course Search and Enroll app.

LevelDepartmentCourse NumberTitleCredits
100ANTHRO104Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity3
100ENVIR ST, GEOSCI106Environmental Geology3
100ENVIR ST113Environmental Studies: Environmental Humanities3
100ENVIR ST, GEOG120Introduction to the Earth System3
100ENVIR ST, GEOG127Physical Systems of the Environment5
100ENVIR ST, GEOG139Global Environmental Issues3
100BIOLOGY, BOTANY, ZOOLOGY151Introductory Biology5
100BIOLOGY, BOTANY, ZOOLOGY152Introductory Biology5
100ZOOLOGY153Introductory Biology3
100SOC170Population Problems3-4
100ATM OCN, ENVIR ST171Global Change: Atmospheric Issues and Problems2-3
200ENTOM, ENVIR ST201Insects and Human Culture-a Survey Course in Entomology3
200BOTANY240Plants and Humans3
200BOTANY, ENVIR ST, ZOOLOGY260Introductory Ecology3
300AGRONOMY300Cropping Systems3
300SOIL SCI301General Soil Science4
300AGRONOMY302Forage Management and Utilization3
300F&W ECOL318Principles of Wildlife Ecology3
400BIOCORE485Principles of Physiology3
400BIOCORE486Principles of Physiology Laboratory2
300ENVIR ST, SOIL SCI324Soils and Environmental Quality3
300ATM OCN330Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean I3
300ATM OCN, ENVIR ST, GEOG, GEOSCI335Climatic Environments of the Past3
300ATM OCN, ENVIR ST, GEOG332Global Warming: Science and Impacts3
500BIOCORE587Biological Interactions3
300BOTANY, GEOG338Environmental Biogeography3
300ENVIR ST, GEOG339Environmental Conservation4
300A A E, ECON, ENVIR ST343Environmental Economics3-4
300ENVIR ST, F&W ECOL, ZOOLOGY360Extinction of Species3
300BSE, ENVIR ST367Renewable Energy Systems3
300AGRONOMY, BOTANY, SOIL SCI370Grassland Ecology3
300ENVIR ST375Field Ecology Workshop3
500F&W ECOL577Complexity and Conservation of White-tailed Deer3
300AGRONOMY377Cropping Systems of the Tropics3
300CIV ENGR, ENVIR ST, GEOG377An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
300ENVIR ST, F&W ECOL, GEOG, G L E, GEOSCI, LAND ARC371Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing3
400F&W ECOL401Physiological Animal Ecology3
400BOTANY, F&W ECOL402Dendrology2
300ENVIR ST317Community Environmental Scholars Program Seminar1
400ENVIR ST, GEOSCI411Energy Resources3
400ENVIR ST, PHILOS441Environmental Ethics3-4
400ECON, ENVIR ST, POLI SCI, URB R PL449Government and Natural Resources3-4
400BOTANY, F&W ECOL455The Vegetation of Wisconsin4
400BOTANY, F&W ECOL, ZOOLOGY460General Ecology4
400ENVIR ST, GEOG, HISTORY460American Environmental History4
500ENVIR ST, POP HLTH502Air Pollution and Human Health3
500ENVIR ST506Modeling and Analysis of Environmental Systems3
500ENVIR ST, ZOOLOGY510Ecology of Fishes3
500ENVIR ST, ZOOLOGY511Ecology of Fishes Lab2
500ENVIR ST, F&W ECOL515Natural Resources Policy3
500LSC515Social Marketing Campaigns in Science, Health and the Environment3
500ATM OCN, ENVIR ST520Bioclimatology3
500ENVIR ST, PHILOS523Philosophical Problems of the Biological Sciences3
500GEOG523Advanced Paleoecology: Species Responses to Past Environmental Change3
500ATM OCN, ENVIR ST, GEOG528Past Climates and Climatic Change3
500AGRONOMY, ATM OCN, SOIL SCI532Environmental Biophysics3
500ENVIR ST, GEOG537Culture and Environment4
500ENTOM, ZOOLOGY540Theoretical Ecology3
500F&W ECOL, SURG SCI548Diseases of Wildlife3
500F&W ECOL550Forest Ecology3
500HIST SCI, MED HIST, POP HLTH553International Health and Global Society3
500F&W ECOL561Wildlife Management Techniques3
500F&W ECOL, LAND ARC, ZOOLOGY565Principles of Landscape Ecology2
600BOTANY, F&W ECOL, ZOOLOGY672Historical Ecology2
500F&W ECOL590Integrated Resource Management3
600ENVIR ST600Environmental Studies Major Capstone3
600BOTANY, ENVIR ST, F&W ECOL, ZOOLOGY651Conservation Biology3
600LAND ARC668Restoration Ecology3
600ENVIR ST, URB R PL668Green Politics: Global Experience, American Prospects3
600ZOOLOGY677Internship in Ecology2
600ENVIR ST691Senior Thesis1-3
600ENVIR ST699Directed Study1-3
700STAT701Applied Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control I3
700ENVIR ST707Professional Skills for Global Systems Analysis1
700ENVIR ST, HIST SCI, MED HIST713Studies in Environment and Health1
700CIV ENGR, ENVIR ST, URB R PL719Water Resources Management Summer Practicum4
700BOTANY, ZOOLOGY725Ecosystem Concepts3
700C&E SOC, F&W ECOL, SOC749Social Policy and Management of National Parks and Protected Areas3
700MED HIST753International Health and Global Society1
700F&W ECOL799Practicum in Forestry and Wildlife EcologyTeaching1-3
800ENVIR ST808Integrated Research Methods & Prof Skills: Humans & the Global Env4
800ENVIR ST, PUB AFFR, URB R PL809Introduction to Energy Analysis and Policy3
800ENVIR ST, URB R PL843Land Use Policy and Planning3
800ENVIR ST, URB R PL865Water Resources Institutions and Policies3
800F&W ECOL875Special Topics1-4
800F&W ECOL875Special Topics1-4
800BOTANY, F&W ECOL, ZOOLOGY879Advanced Landscape Ecology3
800A A E, ENVIR ST, POP HLTH, PUB AFFR881Benefit-Cost Analysis3
900ENVIR ST900Seminar1-3
900ENVIR ST977Sustainable Development - Integral Perspective3
900ATM OCN, BOTANY, CIV ENGR, ENVIR ST, GEOSCI, ZOOLOGY911Limnology and Marine Science Seminar1
900C&E SOC, SOC948Seminar: Environmental Sociology3
900BOTANY951Plant Ecology Journal Review1
900CIV ENGR, ENVIR ST970Colloquium in Transportation Management and Policy1
900ENVIR ST975Environmental Conservation Leadership Seminar1
900ENVIR ST976The Practice of Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development1
900ATM OCN, BOTANY, ENVIR ST, F&W ECOL, GEOG, GEOSCI, ZOOLOGY980Earth System Science Seminar1
900ENVIR ST990Research1-12
900BOTANY995Research-Plant Ecology1-12
900C&E SOC, SOC997Research: Demography and Ecology Trainees1-3
900ENVIR ST999Advanced Independent Study1-5